如果有到2015Computex 的朋友,ㄧ定最好奇的是,為什麼在會展遍尋不著Kingston 的縱跡呢?今年國電展Kingston 反其道而行,將展位設在展區外的ATT 4 Fun ,希望不只是跟國內外廠家交流,而是希望跟民眾有更良好的互動,在現場除了展出Kingston 的Hyper X 電競系列產品之外,還有DataTraveler microDuo 3C 迷你兩用隨身碟,具有 USB Type-A 及 USB Type-C 雙重連接埠。
而且DataTraveler microDuo 3C 具有輕便好攜帶的特色,提供最高 64GB 的儲存空間,也適用於現有的 USB 裝置,可隨插即用並符合 USB 3.1 標準規範,提供高達 100MB 和 15MB 的讀寫速度。
在Conputex 期間至Kingston 金士頓攤位玩闖關遊戲過關的朋友,還可以獲得限量福袋,活動直到6/7 星期天,每天都有精彩的舞台活動,想要體驗商品、拿贈品的朋友千萬要把握機會喔!
2015 Computex – Where’s The Kingston Booth?
Kingston decided to place their booth outside among the people for Computex this year, setting up at the ATT 4 Fun plaza instead of inside the exhibition halls. Their goal is to interact with more consumers on top of manufacturers and businesses.
The Kingston booth features the newest products under the HyperX gaming line, and highlights the newly unveiled DataTraveler microDuo 3C – their first USB 3.1 flashdrive – compatible with both USB Type-C as well as USB Type-A.
The DataTraveler microDuo 3C will come in 16, 32, and 64GB sizes featuring a maximum read speed of 100 MB/s and write speed of 15 MB/s.
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